Church Committee is asking all parishioners and friends of St. Hilda's to attend a Special Congregation Meeting in the Parish Hall on...
St. Hilda’s Building CommitteeProject manager reportAugust 16, 2017 Current statusThe sanctuary is still closed for public assembly,...
Dr. Eduard Fidler, Legacy Gift Planner and a friend of David Rushton, will give a 30-minute presentation on major charitable giving...
With the strengthening of building almost completed, the crew will begin work on the Sanctuary soon. Church Committee is inviting your...
Friends of St. Hilda's, we are calling for volunteer painters! The lower floor of St. Hilda's is all set for a coat of paint! Come by...
Organized by the Fun Raising Group in support of Spread the Light Capital Campaign. Don't miss you this all-things-blackberry event.
The Restoration of St. Hilda's has reached the stage when we can reoccupy our sanctuary. Our 15-month long exile is over! A festive...
After 15 long months, the restoration of our sanctuary is now completed. We are inviting our supporters to celebrate with us at our...
After 15 long months, the restoration of our sanctuary is now completed. We are inviting all our friends from the Sunshine Coast to...
St. Hilda's gratefully acknowledges the Anglican Foundation of Canada as a generous sponsor of the Capital Campaign Project in...