Environment & Sustainability

 As Christians, we are concerned for the well-being of our neighbours and of God’s good creation that provides life and livelihood for all God’s creatures. Daily we see and hear the evidence of a rapidly changing climate. 

"God, who made the creation and made it good, has not abandoned it. Daily the Spirit continues to renew the face of the earth. All who care for the earth and work for the restoration of its vitality can be confident that they are not pursuing a lost cause. We serve in concert with God & own creative and renewing power."

      Adapted from a Pastoral Message on Climate Change issued in September 2014 by The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate, Anglican Church of Canada and the heads of the Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America and Canada, and the Episcopal Church

Who Are We?

The St Hilda's Green Parish Action Group

We are a group of people who feel passionately about  living better in our world.  Our goal is to provide educattion, be a resource and an example in our community.

If you have any questions or would like to join with us, please contact:

Creation Care Coordinator (Bruce Pond)     Email address  

Sign up for Green Notes and notices

Areas of Action:


What if the solution to the world’s climate challenges didn’t cost a penny, require paperwork or government approval?  According to several faith communities, it doesn’t. The solution lies within every one of us and it involves a change of awareness and our relationship with nature.

Season of Creation,     Lent,  Interpretive Walks  


“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”-Maya Angelou

Green Forums Green Notes
Limiting our Parish's Footprint

What the Parish is doing by reducing our footprint in our world.  

Limiting footprint
Advocacy and Action

Every small action counts in the fight against climate change; together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.