St. Hilda's programs and ministries cost nearly $4,500 per week and they are funded by contributions from parishioners and friends. Usually, donations go into the Operating Fund to fund the various mission priorities identified in our annual budget.
- E-Transfer: E-transfer Go online and sign into your banking site. Select E-Transfer and the email to send to is:
PLEASE USE the ‘message’ area to include:
- your envelope #. if you have one)
- or your name & contact information
- how you wish your donation allocated, otherwise it will be directed to General Operating Fund.
- PAD (pre-authorized giving): Download PAD form or contact office to have Karen email you the form. Fill in and mail directly to the Diocesan office.
- By cheque: place cheque in your numbered donation envelope
either mail it to St Hilda's at Box 302, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0
OR, drop it through the mail slot outside the church office door; NO CASH!
- Online through Canada Helps: Donate Online
- If none of the above (or you need a cash option) contact Envelope Secretary (Christine Pawley) 604-885-0840, to arrange for your envelope to be picked up once a month.
Restoration Project
In 2017, structural instability was discovered in our main sanctuary, which must be rectified. Thanks to the generous support of parishioners to date, we have raised a good portion of the restoration costs, but additional funds are urgently needed! With your help, St. Hilda's will not only have the uplifting sanctuary restored and ready for worship and community use once again, but will also be able to further our community ministry. Please go to our
Spread the Light Capital Campaign for more giving options.
Thank you for considering being a partner in our mission!