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St. Hilda’s Anglican Church in Sechelt will be hosting a four-part multi-faith series about Wisdom and its application to contemporary issues affecting our lives. Special guests include representatives from Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Indigenous Spirituality, Islam, Transcendental Meditation and more. Each session will feature 4-6 speakers.

1. Mar 17: Wisdom and Foundational Religious Leaders (7:00pm-8:30pm) This session will explore wisdom and formative religious figures, such as Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and the Rabbis.

2. Mar 24: Wisdom and Meditation/Spirituality (7:00pm-8:30pm) How do various spiritual traditions approach the question of spirituality and meditation? This is the question that this session will consider. It will look at meditation/spirituality from various spiritual traditions.

3. Mar 31: Wisdom and the Environment (7:00pm-8:30pm) The world is in a climate crisis. This session will consider what wisdom resources various spiritual traditions can bring to this pressing issue.

4. Apr 4: Wisdom and Humanity’s Place in the Universe (7:00pm-8:30pm) What does it mean to be human in this universe? This question will be explored from various spiritual traditions.

The suggested donation to participate in this series will be:

  • Full Price ($20 per session, or $60 for the entire series)
  • Half price ($10 per session, or $30 for the entire series)
  • Free (we do not want financial considerations to keep anyone away who wishes to be part of this learning opportunity)  

For more information, please contact the Rev. Dr. Stephen Black ( ◆ (604) 885-5019), or the Ven. Bruce Morris (